
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Helping Out Our Neighbors

This was a crazy week in Boston & Texas. Let me just say my heart goes out to those in Boston, Temple & West.

Kreative in Kinder
I just wanted to bring attention to a little fundraiser over at Kreative in Kinder. All proceeds are going to help teachers in West, TX.

For just $25 you will get over $150 in products from some of the top favorite TpT shops. It is the end of the month, so once that paycheck hits I'll be donating for sure :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wise Words From Ron Clark

When I first started teaching TNT had just released it's made for tv movie about Ron Clark, an idealistic teacher hit with the reality of an inner city middle school class. From his experiences Mr. Clark wrote a few books, was chosen as Teacher of the Year & friended Oprah.

A lot of teacher angst nowadays is

I think all administrators, district office workers & parents should read this. A lot of eyes will open.