
Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Seusstastic Writing Center & 3D Maps

I've been crazy lucky to have been selected a couple years ago to participate in a Balanced Literacy Cadre with my district. We had 2 day training on the balanced literacy model and then have networking sessions each quarter where we get to vent share ideas with each other.

I got to go to one half day workshop with Matt Glover, where we got to see his Writer's Workshop model: in a nutshell, staple a few pages together and have the kids make books, ANY kind of books. Then once you've had your mini-lesson the kids are free to make a book, you conference with the kids on the skills they need based on your lessons/student needs. What an eye-opener! My kids have hit the ground running making books, they beg me to make books and bring me pages to staple when we run out of pre-stapled books.

I wanted to incorporate more environmental writing into our Wonderful Writing stations since we're getting into persuasive writing, expository text and non-fiction. I found The Ultimate Writing Station on Pinterest by Seusstatic Classroom Inspirations by Mel D.

I took an old tri-fold and used the copies from her Ultimate Writing Stations and taped folders to it and set it up next to our writing "corner." There's baskets with their writing materials and the writing process reminder posters. I finished it Thursday and had it set up on Friday, the kids were already pulling the sheets out before I even explained how the new station would work. They were very curious. Have no fear the kids will get their crack at it on Monday :)

We have 10 weeks left of school and there's 10 writing activities for them to do, plus I have the extras that didn't fit on the board ;) They will only be required to complete one a week and keep it their Wonderful Writing Folders. Our campus began keeping writing folders in the kids' cumulative files since writing is a weakness for us. We have to collect a sample each quarter in addition to writings throughout the year and put them the students' folders. This is also a way to fill that requirement ;)

For our Social Studies Unit on Community Services as a way for the kids to be aware of what services government provides to its citizens we have the kids make 3D maps. They have to include at least 3 community services/buildings on their maps. One of our teammates actually had the plan for the green poster board as the base and the black strips of construction paper for the roads. I just gave the kids leftover scraps of construction paper that we had in the room to make their buildings and whatever else they could think to add to their communities.

We completed an Evan-Moor community service worksheet and they used those maps to get ideas for their own towns. They added names and other community features as well: churches, Wal-Marts, bridges, parks, dogs, cars, etc. My students LOVED this activity!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reading Night: A Tribute to Dr. Seuss

This ladies and gents is an amazing team! Gawd love 'em for indulging my dressing up tendencies ;)

This was the 2nd grade team with our appraiser on Reading & Writing Night. He's smiling cuz we don't give him headaches, lol.

Our Reading & Writing Night was the end of February. Each grade level had to host a reading activity & writing activity. I had seen in the blogosphere a couple classes that had a reading café. When I described this idea to my team, they had a hard time visualizing what exactly it entailed.

Basically we set it up very simply, we had the books out on display at each table, they say family style. Parents & kids chose books and the children read to their parents! We served each family blue punch & goldfish, which was a huge hit!

Our writing activity was right next door in the computer lab where parents & kids used the Scholastic Story Starter website. The kids & parents loved it :)

2nd Grade had packed rooms ALL night, we had to "take reservations" and people had to come back to read.

Needlesstosay the kids & parents did most of "the work" which is the whole purpose of our content nights; to have parents actively engage in learning with their children, with us lending a guiding hand.

Another successful night in the history books! Way to go Willow Springs!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Late Valentine's Love

This was the Valentine's bag that started it all! One of my students took our class theme and decided to add a "cape" to his bag, then everyone followed suit and we had a cape frenzy on our hands, the kids started making capes for themselves too!

We have a puppet bag here :)

Super Awesome Alex(?) Her name's not Alex, her mom's gonna love this!


I totally copied the idea from another blogger, can't remember who, please vouch and I'll give credit where it's due :)

1st Game: Conversation Heart Stacks

2nd Game: Valentine's Mummies

I also did the Valentine's Candy Corn Circle but didn't take pictures :( I think cuz I had some 4th grade buddies come in and distract me, but they loved all the games & had a blast!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Currently

I've been a bad bad blogger these past 2 & a half months :(

As a way to make up for it I'm gonna link up with Farley for her monthly March Currently.

Listening: I adore Johnny Depp, add Tim Burton & I'm in fangirl heaven.

Loving: I've pretty much been sick since the first week back after Christmas break, hello allergies & winter cold. I started feeling better in February. Toward the end I was hit with the annual strep-isode. Most recently I've been saddled, during my Spring Break no less, with a case bronchitis, I hope and not the walking pneumonia the phys asst speculated about at my appt yesterday.

Thinking: I was going to lesson plan yesterday so I wouldn't be rushing during the weekend, yeah how well did that go on a new round of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory & cough meds, not so great. On a positive note, I've been doing a lot of resting. I could qualify for an Olympic round of Napping, just sayin'.

Wanting: Yeah, who doesn't.

Needing: See Loving....My ribs can't take the coughing fits.

????????: What could it be?

So, now onto that planning, yeah!
