
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Currently October, Aaaahhhhhhhhh!

I know, I've neglected you for so long :( I'm finally getting a chance to blog about this year. I haven't done my classroom reveal, my first day, or my back to school activities which makes me so sad. I was just searching through my photos to possibly add to this post from my Alice in Wonderland classroom theme and I apparently haven't uploaded them :( So no classroom pictures, I'll have to take some when I got back up to school.

What I can do though is this month's Currently hosted by the awesome Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade!

Listening - One of my fave rom-coms. Can't beat suave & charming George, sigh....and can't get enough of the pre-smartphone era flip phones. Let's not forget the soundtrack.

Loving - my new grade level team. As mentioned in posts a few months back, I was talked into moving to 4th grade this year. Two teachers from another campus have transferred over these last two years and they are wonderful. The campus they came from was the one I first got my substitute feet wet and first "job" at, my former sis-in-law worked there and introduced me to these ladies :) They have made transitioning so easy & fun and have inspired me so much in how & why I teach. As opposed to another grade I almost wound up in, all the ladies on our team get along swimmingly, like I don't mind or even realize that I'm staying til 7:00pm at school planning, haha!

Thinking, Wanting & Needing - All go together today. I need to go up to school and pick up more papers to grade, move desks around, and clean up a bit. I want to stay in bed and sleep and I'm not feeling so hot at the moment, so even though the weather is gorgeous and it's tempting to head out and play, I'll stay home, grade papers, put away laundry, and do a little planning for the upcoming week. (Update: I didn't do anything except sleep and plow around the house & order pizza).

Trick or Treat - I happened upon this trick by accident, don't tell my students! I have an Alice in Wonderland themed room as I've mentioned before. Each student has a name tag on their desk that has one of the four card suits on it. The first day I went to line up my students, and I usually go in number order, but something didn't feel right plus my room wasn't set up for a nice neat straight line those first couple weeks. All of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks, "Duh!" I called them by suit: Clubs, Hearts, Spades, Diamonds; totally in the moment, made me look like I did it on purpose too, hehe.

Speaking of my room, I'll upload photos tomorrow after I go up & rearrange desks and straighten up & make it look like I've got myself together, ha!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Currently in June

And now for my EOY Currently for June from Farley, cuz they're both basically the same.

Listening - I've loved Drop Dead Diva since it began. A show with a plus-sized lead! I was super-bummed when they "cancelled" it, and was over the moon when the fans got it renewed for 2 more seasons :)

Loving - no explanation needed ;)

Thinking - EOY Checklists, packing, awards, EOY party, moving, cleaning, & must remember to keep the kids engaged and still learning, sigh....

Wanting - Need lots more time, always!

Needing - After my last day on Friday, I'll be driving out to Louisiana to see my mom & sister, and to help out my sister for our Tribe's Language Camp next week. Once I get back it's gonna be a workshop filled summer, so I really needed a break in between everything. Hopefully that proposed mini-vacay with some girlfriends to NOLA will help :)

Summer Bucket List - See above.