
Monday, September 3, 2012

Into The Great Wide Open Spaces

Whew, What a week!

First week obligations to getting our babies back into the routines of school: eating lunch with them every day to ensure proper lunchroom behavior, no recess due to high TX temperatures, procedure repetition (over and over and over and over again) until they get it.

Yeah, that last one I had to keep reminding myself about, lol. I was so used to my kiddos last year having just known by the end of the year what to expect & what was expected of them that I forgot I needed to get a new crew used to not only mine, but their new classmates' eccentricities. Made for a fun 1st day, hehe.

As the week went on I got to know my kiddos a little bit better. It's going to be a great year I can tell, I'm looking forward to all the new things I'm gonna learn from this group ;)

True there's a lot more things that will need to be done this year, but I think in all honesty it'll make me a better teacher & even more responsible & accountable than I have been, and that's ok, I can accept that.

Here's to 12-13 School Year!

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