
Thursday, September 5, 2013

September Currently

I was totally stalking Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade & hoping to get in on the Currently all this holiday weekend, but alas, no such luck :( But then I read she's running the linky backwards, so the last to sign up will show up first, whoot whoot!

Here's my currently for September:

Listening - It's one of those underrated flicks when Rosie O'Donnell was still the Queen of Nice before Ellen was crowned. I love the battle of the sexes banter throughout the entire movie. But my absolute favorite is when Rosie is going off on Timothy Hutton & Matt Dillon (who both btw look small town gorgeous, swoon) in the drugstore. I can't repeat or quote the speech here, but trust me, it's funny.

Loving - My students this year are great. I'm already in love with them all. What a great group of kiddos. I made a few phone calls this evening to give parents some updates and everyone I talked to said their kids come home and say what a great day they've had in class, sigh....warms my heart ya'll.

Thinking - Yeah, I should totally need to get back on a better sleep schedule, but let's face it, I'm a night owl at heart. Between 11 & 1 is my magic go to sleep window, haven't been able to get it any earlier, plus add in graduate work & whew! Not gonna happen anytime soon, thank goodness for a great group of kids, otherwise I'd be struggling.

Wanting - B2S isn't the same without umpteen meetings on top of B2S responsibilities, ugh!

Needing - So I have crazy amounts of lesson planning to complete, not to mention a pretty intense graduate class with 2 projects due around the same time, eek! Any volunteers, anyone....anyone....?

Love Yourself Spot  - 1. I began reading The Happiness Project last year and then through some internet surfing I found this website called Happify, where you complete Happiness tracks to help you cope with life's little stresses and incorporate more happiness into our lives.
2. I spent the holiday weekend with an old college friend, not that we're old by any means, but in the sense we've only seen each other 2 in the last 12 years, OMG! As we were catching up we realized how much we haven't talked about over those 12 years, so I want to try and make it a point to connect with my girlfriends beyond facebook and really talk and catch up more often, like at least once a month.
3. My dogs were so happy during the summer and all the time I was home with them. I'd play with 'em and roll around on the floor. They loved all the extra attention and were so sweet & affectionate. I need to make sure they're not gonna lose too much time since school's started back up.


  1. Currently Rocks!! I love my two pooches. I have three kids on top of them and I know they miss just having their mama around and not all the kids jumping all over me and them. I am going to check out your happify link and see what that is all about. I am also following your blog now!! Happy Friday!

  2. I love my kiddos so much too! They are so sweet. I agree with all the B2S's crazy! And I definitely can't keep up with all the lesson planning! Enjoy your weekend!


  3. I feel the same way about wanting to make time for my girlfriends more. It's so easy to just let teaching take over your life, but gotta have some me (and friends) time.

