
Sunday, July 14, 2013

There's A New Blogger In Town!

Welcome Amanda Brown! I'll let her tell you more about herself :)

     Hello Hello!  I'm absolutely thrilled to join Darnee in blogging!  I wanted to start a professional blog for awhile, but simply didn't sit down to do it.  Darnee's already started the ball moving, so it's a lot easier to jump in!  Thanks again Darnee! 

     I have been a teacher with second grade darlings since January 2010.  It seems like yesterday I walked into my first classroom with wide eyes and nervous stomach butterflies, and yet it has been 3 and 1/2 years.  Time flies when you're a teacher.  I remember sitting at my desk, watching my teachers, and thinking, "I can't wait until I am a teacher!  Look at all the pretty pens you get to use!"  Teaching is more than cute crafts and pretty pens isn't it?  I believe teachers are some of the most incredible people alive!  I'm honored to call myself one of them. 

      As much as I love teaching, it has been nice lounging around the house watching reruns of Friends.  However, the new year is fast approaching!  It's a great time to start envisioning the upcoming year!  Wal-Mart already has it's back to school supplies up.  (At mine, the composition notebooks were ransacked!  I had to crawl around on the floor to reach the back of the display for the remainders.) 

      With my newly bought school supplies, I have begun to make a few necessities for my new classroom.  I look forward to sharing! 

~ Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Hi ladies, I found you through the blogs by grade site. I'm always excited for some more 2nd grade inspiration. I decided to give you an award. Please come by and check it out!

    Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
